Totally agree. My husband, from Sweden, finds it folly to have our electricity put in peril with each winter storm or hurricane.

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Over a decade ago, Chatham's business community was offered placing downtown electric lines underground at the same time, I believe, that sewer lines were being installed. It could have been financed by an extra penny on their electric rates. They opted not to do so. Other downtowns might choose otherwise.

Utilities have little incentive to reduce recurring costs, as they are allowed to pass them on to customers in increased rates. Burying lines would be a long term investment that they should be encouraged to pursue, through changes in legislation or accounting.

When I was interim project manager in the earliest days of Roosevelt Island, NY, we decided to build utility tunnels under the sidewalks. All utilities could be accommodated, including legal separation between electrical, communications, water and sewer. Removable slabs above would eliminate tearing up pavement on street or sidewalk.

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