This reminds me of the ten mile long outflow pipe from the Deer Island Wastewater Treatment Plant in Boston. It empties into Cape Cod Bay. The solution to polution is dilution. In the 1980s a Canadian environmentalist named Michael Keating wrote a book "To The Last Drop". It was about polution in the Great Lakes and how long it takes for one drop of water to make it's way throught the Great Lakes. It is not reassuring that the solutions these companies come up with are ones that have been proven problematic over the past few hundred years. We do not appear to learn from our mistakes. Thanks for your not letting this issue fade away.

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This needs to be a documentary!

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Cape Cod Bay is probably the worst alternative possible. The government has invested huge amounts in the Yucca Mountain Nuclear Waste Repository. If nuclear waste is not going to go there, we need other national or perhaps regional solutions. Yucca Mountain might be the least-bad solution. All of the funds from all of the closing sites should be consolidated for a solution. See:


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Thank you for this. It’s so clear and explains the situation well!

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